Welcome to Tom's Crazy World!?@*!
Hi everybody! You've stumbled upon Tom's Crazy (and sometimes wild and wacky) World!
Before you close the browser window, take a gander at some of my pages. They'll make you
laugh, cry, and then they'll try to get you into bed. Don't get TOO close to them!
What's New?
I'm going to the University of Arizona! (It might not be "new", but I feel like mentioning it here anyways.)
School starts August 20, and I couldn't be more excited to blow this popstand and be on my own! I
finally can return to the heat and fun in the land of the sun. Football games, finals, parties, term papers,
dorm rooms - it's all good! I will keep everyone posted and I hope to add streaming video of my adventures.

In the OTHER section you will find a short (very short) book I recently wrote. It is
entitled 10 Quick "How To" Guides to Living a Better Life. I got the idea to write this
a long time ago, but I never put my mind to it. I'll post more as it comes...